
Robert & Gary

Robert & Gary

“As his CASA, I am committed to always being there for Robert every step of the way.” - Gary, CASA Volunteer and 2020 Advocate of the Year



I was assigned to Robert when he was 11; he’s 20 now. Robert's life was very different from what it is now. He has struggled with homelessness and addiction. By working as a team, we were able to get Robert assigned to Teen Court. There, he was able to get the extra services and attention he needed. Today, Robert is sober, living in a sober living home, and will start a job next month. Robert knows that he has a long and challenging road ahead with no guarantees. But he also knows that he doesn’t have to travel alone. As his CASA, I am committed to always being there for Robert, every step of the way. None of this would have been possible without a team of dedicated volunteers and the professionals at CASA.