
Nyla & Karin + Ingo

Nyla & Karin + Ingo

"CASA was the turning point in her life!" Karin & Ingo, CASA Volunteers



We were excited to add to our family of CASA kids. We had been mentoring three younger siblings of our newest charge, Nyla. Thirteen and angry. We hadn't guided a teenager before, and we felt excited about our first meeting. She sat quietly on the sofa, expressing resistance with her glaring dark eyes during out introduction. 

That was eight years ago. Today, Nyla is 21-years-old, a senior at San Diego University, and empowered for her future. The journey of growth and healing was not an easy one. Years of counseling, mentoring, anger, and tears brought her to an understanding of her past and the ability to embrace her future. At times of unbalance, she would call and ask to meet face to face. She would vent her feelings, and then we would talk through the circumstances causing the unrest. In many cases, there was no solution, only learning to cope and understand that not all circumstances are under our control. 

With all the highs and lows experienced, she is now well equipped to face her future with confidence. CASA was the turning point in her life! She was not alone and scared anymore. CASA was the difference between success and failure. Our CASA supervisor was the difference between success and failure for us! Thank you, Lydia! We remain in contact with our charge and will always have her back!