"She was the first person to show me the true meaning of unconditional love." - Leticia, former CASA Youth
My CASA was Sandie Skinner. To even type her name out is very meaningful to me. Sandie made a significant impact on my life in so many ways and had a major influence on the person I am today. I met Sandie after being referred to the CASA program by my amazing social worker Jessica. One of my most cherished memories of Sandie was when I was about 16 and I got a bad case of pneumonia. Sandie made me a get-well basket with a new toothbrush and all sorts of goodies. I had never experienced kindness like that. To this day, as an adult, I haven't experienced that level of kindness she showed me.
One memory I have of Sandie is the time she took me to the Segerstrom Center of the Arts to see “The Nutcracker.” I snuck away to use the phone even though I wasn't supposed to, and when she came to find me, she didn't yell or get angry. She walked me back to our seats, and we finished the show. On the way back home, she never raised her voice. Instead, she explained her disappointment in my choice to make that call, and that she had to report it. I remember crying because I had disappointed her, not because I did something wrong. I’ve never experienced someone walking me through a mistake, I have only been yelled at. Sandie never made me feel bad, instead, she taught me the value of honesty and speaking my truth.
I remember another time when Sandie showed me her old wedding album with cut-up wedding pictures. It upset her mother, but Sandie taught me that it was okay to do things your way, even if people don't always agree with you.
As I've grown, now approaching 36, I've kept in touch with her via text or phone calls. I wanted to let her know that she saved my life as a teenager. I’ve made so many mistakes that I should have ended up a sad statistic, but because of her, I made it! I am married to a wonderful man and we have two amazing boys. I am so blessed to be their mom. I've also had a great job at CHOC for the last 13 years. I am proud to say that regardless of the struggles I lived through, I made it out on the positive side of life!
I can honestly say, Sandie made all the difference in every way in shaping the woman I have become. She was the first person to show me the true meaning of unconditional love. CASA is a beacon of hope for the most vulnerable and I believe in it with all my heart.