"She was my best friend, role model, confidant, and support system..." - Ayano, Former CASA Youth
“Being her CASA has enriched my life immeasurably and for that I will always be grateful.” - Diane, CASA Volunteer
From Ayano:
I am Ayano Morrissette and I was in foster care for five years. My journey through the system included multiple placements, sadness, and a lot of discouragement. Diane was assigned to be my CASA after two months of being in foster care. At the time, I felt like the world was against me. I could no longer see my mother, my grades in school dropped significantly, and my placement isolated me from my family and friends. The only person I could spend leisure time with was my CASA since it was mandated.
Diane took me to do things I'd never done and see things I'd never seen before. She gave me advice that changed my outlook on life. Though she advocated for me, she also taught me to advocate for myself. She uplifted me and reminded me to never limit myself. Finally, my discouragement became optimism. After advocating for a new placement, I was placed in a healthier environment. Here I gained a new family, made great friends, and could focus on school. During my last year of high school, Diane encouraged me to apply to colleges. Now, I attend the University of San Diego, a private university that breeds advocates for social justice and change. I've never been so grateful to have someone in my life as much as Diane. She was my best friend, role model, confidant, and support system for these past five years. I can say without a doubt that Diane plays a major role in the woman that I am becoming. This is why I'd like to share my CASA experience! Thank you CASA!
From Diane:
I feel privileged to write to you about my experience with Ayano. I don't know which of us has benefited more from our relationship. She was just finishing middle school when we were matched. She had faced many challenges by the time we met. Something that struck me was when she enrolled herself in summer school. This resilience has been seen many times since.
I have been amazed to see how she has taken control of her situation, a situation that by design takes away control. This includes removing herself from her first unhealthy foster situation. Watching Ayano face the many challenges that came her way and succeed is an example for all of us. Through our relationship, I have learned to see things through a different lens. And, I think, I have been able to encourage Ayano to see that all things are possible. Her compassion for others is boundless and she never views herself in a “poor me” light. It is truly a gift to have her in my life and to help her see herself as I do. Being her CASA has enriched my life immeasurably and for that I will always be grateful. I will always be there for her.