
John's Picnic 2024

John's Picnic 2024

We are deeply grateful to everyone who generously contributed their time and resources to ensure our Back to School Picnic was a resounding success. Your support helped us create an unforgettable and fun-filled day for our CASA youth and their advocates.

A special thank you goes to two exceptional individuals, Sharon Engstrom and Misty Webb, for their incredible efforts in coordinating all the vendors and volunteers, and managing every aspect of the event. Sharon, veteran Sponsor & Planner of this event, brought her extensive experience and deep knowledge to the table, playing a key role in its continued success. Misty, our Community Partnership Coordinator at CASA OC, worked tirelessly to elevate this picnic, delivering an afternoon of joy and connection for our youth and their advocates.

This event would not be possible without the thoughtful support of CASA's community donors who make this annual event happen, including: