^Gala Chairs: Karen Jordan & Nancy Eaton
Matthew Wadlinger
Chief Strategy Officer
CASA Celebration Highlights The Importance Of Connection
Santa Ana, Calif. (May 11, 2023) – Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Orange County held their annual CASA Celebration on Saturday, May 6th, at VEA Newport Beach. 220 guests were in attendance to support CASA’s mission of connecting abused, abandoned, and neglected children in Orange County with a trained volunteer advocate. This year’s gala had a net of over $1,100,000 which exceeded budget goals and is critical in the wake of significant budget cuts from anticipated government funding.
This beautiful evening was chaired by two longtime CASA supporters - Nancy Eaton (2021 Advocate of the Year Honoree) and Karen Jordan (CASA Board Member). Guests arrived at a vibrant and beautifully transformed cocktail reception featuring a silent auction with 73 silent auction items. One lucky Live Auction winner, Carrie McLain will experience a priceless opportunity to attend the annual Kennedy Center Honors which celebrates the lifetime achievements of our nation's preeminent artists with performances by some of today's greatest talents, as a guest of Lugano Diamonds. This spectacular item included an invitation for two to the reception and gala to follow, with roundtrip transportation to and from the Kennedy Center Honors event, two nights at the exquisite Four Seasons Hotel Washington, D.C., and dinner for two at Bourbon Steak. As a bonus, Lugano Diamonds will complete the evening look with pieces from their collection. A private tour of the National Gallery of Art rounds out this once-in-a-lifetime event.
Guests were welcomed into a ballroom that was gorgeously decorated by the team at Elite OC Productions. Regan Dean Phillips, CASA CEO, shared remarks about the importance of meaningful connections in the life of a child and the critical role a CASA can play when a youth’s family does not provide that support. This year’s gala spotlighted individuals, corporations, and family foundations whose support has been critical to sustaining CASA’s services. Each honoree shared their own story of the power and importance of family and meaningful connections and the influence that they have in shaping our lives.
Awards were given out to Newport Beach Dermatology and Plastic Surgery as this year’s Outstanding Corporation, Sun Family Foundation as this year’s Outstanding Foundation, and Lucy Donahue as this year’s Children’s Champion - all three awards are given for exceptional commitment and support of CASA’s organization and mission.
Among the highlights of the evening’s events, CASA volunteer Ian Thomason, was honored as this year’s Advocate of the Year and his CASA matched youth, Ruben F. was honored with the inaugural Bright Futures Award. Ian shared his experience as a volunteer who has been connected with Ruben since October of 2021. Ian acknowledged that he was very nervous meeting Ruben for the first time but soon realized he just needed someone to really listen to him. “Once we were matched and had our first hangout, I quickly realized that Ruben greatly wanted someone in his life to talk to. Someone that would listen. Like most children in foster care, Ruben was rarely heard. In our time together I was able to hear Ruben while he rotated through 5 different social workers, changed schools and moved through 4 different living placements. In my year and a half as his CASA, Ruben stayed in 2 different foster homes, at Orangewood and on his own in Independent Living. At one of the Family Team meetings, he said he did not want to become a typical foster kid statistic. That night after the meeting we grabbed dinner and discussed how he could avoid becoming that statistic.” Ruben recently joined the Marines where he is now in Basic Training.
Auctioneer, Zack Krone revved up the crowd for the annual Fund the Mission paddle raise which raised over $387,100 with donations from event guests ranging from $100,000 to $100.
This year’s Emerald Sponsors were Sun Family Foundation, Lucy Donahue, Jaynine and Dave Warner, and Manly, Stewart & Finaldi. Underwriters included Lugano Diamonds as the Official Jewelry Sponsor, William Gillespie Foundation & Richard, Frances and Charlotte Gadbois as the Cocktail Reception Sponsor,, Disc Sports & Spine Center / Dr. Robert Bray as Mobile Bidding Sponsor, Spectrum e-Commerce Solution as Invitation Sponsor, Paul Fenner Floral Design as Cocktail Floral Sponsor, KCRW as Radio Sponsor and Riviera Modern Luxury as Exclusive Media Partner.
About Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Orange County
A 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 1985, Court Appointed Special Advocates of Orange County (CASA OC) provides a powerful voice and a meaningful connection for children who have experienced abuse, neglect and abandonment. CASA volunteers are a crucial intervention to help ensure safety, speed up permanent placement, help children and youth thrive in school, and support positive health outcomes. A CASA volunteer is often the only consistent adult in a child or youth’s life who is not paid to support and advocate for them. The CEO of CASA OC since 2017 is Regan Dean Phillips, Esq., MSW. Chair of the Board of Directors is Michael Wong, President & CEO, Genea. CASA is a private, nonprofit organization supported by individuals, foundations, corporations, and government agencies. It is a member of the National CASA/GAL Association for Children. Please visit casaoc.org to learn more.
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Advocate of the Year, Ian Thomason & CASA CEO, Regan Phillips
Bright Future Award Honoree, Ruben F.
Children’s Champion Honoree, Lucy Donahue
Outstanding Foundation Honoree, Sun Family Foundation
Outstanding Corporation Honoree, Newport Beach Dermatology and Plastic Surgery