"He began to feel loved and care for and what “unconditional” love and respect truly meant." - Janet, CASA Volunteer
"...to have someone genuinely charismatic and understanding, and believe in me, helped me learn who I am and can be." - David, former CASA Youth
From Janet:
CASA provides hope for children who typically wouldn’t have had a chance. I started working with a scared, mad, and defensive young man who trusted no one! David felt that he had no one, no future, no dream, and no talents. He had no idea what the next hour would bring, or where he would lay his head at night or wake up the following day. My kiddo had a wall around him that no one could get in or break down. I saw that the people in his life thought he was just a difficult kid and was not going to amount to anything. He fought for himself and what he wanted in the wrong ways. He had no concept of family or how to trust, communicate, or rely on another person.
Little by little, we started breaking down the wall of distrust between us. I continued to let David know that I was always there for him, through both good and bad. He learned that I did not always like his decisions, but he wasn't going to push me away. Over time, we learned to communicate with others and to trust one another. He began to feel loved and care for and what “unconditional” love and respect truly meant.
David fought hard to make something of himself, finish school, become an independent young man, and fight for his future. He learned that trusting people doesn’t mean he will always end up hurt. David also learned that if you have people that believe in you, you are not alone. He learned that having a dream and working hard for what you believe in has rewards. He also began to plan, plan for the next day, and plan his future. He now fights for what he believes in with style. David cares for others with a compassionate heart and has learned how to rely on others. David has learned how to love himself and others. I couldn’t be more proud of how this boy is turning into a man!
From David:
The CASA program had done little to catch my attention before meeting my CASA. 2014 through 2015 was one of the lowest times of my life. I had a concept of what a family was supposed to be like, but these years did little to show my self-worth.
When finally meeting Janet, my CASA, it was almost like meeting someone who wasn’t real. She carried herself exceptionally different. Confidence and optimism radically radiated off of her. This kind of energy and love was something I rarely found. In our first conversations, she immediately showed her true pure intentions. I am reminded daily that I have the best advocate in my corner, someone who loves and cares for me through my best and worst times. I can’t shake or scare her away even if I try. For me, self-love, self-confidence, and even self-worth never came first. So to have someone genuinely charismatic and understanding, and believe in me, helped me learn who I am and can be.
CASA is something the foster care system alone could have never given me. I’ve been beyond empowered and gifted by Janet and the CASA program, even though these few sentences could never show that. All I can ever say is how grateful I am and continue to share my story.